All in One File Splitter Merger Software is a small free tool to help you to cut larger files into smaller pieces for easier distribution, as well as put them back together in exactly the same way the original file was. It is capable of handling any kind of files, preserving the original name and extension.
The size of the split files is fully customizable. The program offers fixed options for two of the most common storage media – 3.5” floppy discs and 650 MB CD-Rs, but you can always specify the amount of bytes, Kilobytes, or Megabytes that better fits your needs. Both the splitting and the joining processes are performed at a good speed, and always with excellent results. All the split files are stored in a new folder that the program creates using the name of the original file.
One of the main assets of this tool is that you can control the amount of cache that it will use when cutting your big files (from 1 to 7 Mb), which is especially useful for systems with a low RAM memory.
Unlike other “split and join” tools, the files created by this application use the same file extension as the original file, though it appends a sequential number to the original file name for easy identification. When the original file is a movie or a sound file, this file extension system will allow you to “play” the first of the split files in case you need to double-check what was in the original file. However, when putting all the files back together you need to be careful not to forget any of the files created during the file cutting process, or the resulting file will be of no use at all. The same happens if the files are not in the right order, so make sure the sequential names are correctly sorted before launching the merging process.
This peculiar way of naming the files (instead of the most common .001, 002, etc.) requires the recipient of the split files to have this same tool installed in their system in order to be able to re-create the original file.